__construct() __construct(string $data, boolean $html = true) Creates the DOM instance and imports the data Parameters string $data The content of the page/document boolean $html Is the format html (or xml) ? Throws \Phool\XML\DOMException
nodes() nodes(string $xpath, $base = null) Returns a list of nodes corresponding to an XPath Parameters string $xpath The xpath string $base
node() node(string $xpath, $base = null) Returns the first node corresponding to an XPath Parameters string $xpath The xpath string $base
lastNode() lastNode(string $xpath, $base = null) Returns the last node corresponding to an XPath Parameters string $xpath The xpath string $base
values() values(string $xpath, $base = null) Returns the values of the nodes corresponding to an XPath (nodeValue) Parameters string $xpath The xpath string $base
value() value(string $xpath, $base = null) Returns the value of the first node corresponding to an XPath (nodeValue) Parameters string $xpath The xpath string $base
nb() nb(string $xpath, $base = null) Returns the number of nodes corresponding to an XPath (nodeValue) Parameters string $xpath The xpath string $base
aInfo() aInfo(\Phool\XML\DOMNode $node) Returns the text and target of an hyperlink node as an array('text' => <text>, 'url' => <target>) Parameters \Phool\XML\DOMNode $node Node of type 'a' Throws \Phool\XML\Exception