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PHP Cross Reference of phool




/Phool/ -> Display.php (summary)

(no description)

Copyright: Francois Laupretre <phool@tekwire.net>
License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License, V 2.0
File Size: 285 lines (6 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Display:: (17 methods):

Class: Display  - X-Ref

Static functions used to display messages (normal, trace, debug...)

incVerbose()   X-Ref
Increment verbose level

return: void

decVerbose()   X-Ref
Decrement verbose level

return: void

setVerbose($level)   X-Ref
Set verbose level

param: integer $level integer
return: void

_display($msg,$level)   X-Ref
Conditionnally display a string to stderr

Display the string if the message level is less or equal to the verbose level

param: string $msg The message
param: integer $level The message level
return: void

error($msg)   X-Ref
Display an error message

param: string $msg The message
return: void

warning($msg)   X-Ref
Display a warning message

param: string $msg The message
return: void

errorCount()   X-Ref
Return the current error count

return: int

getErrors()   X-Ref
Return the error array

return: array

msg($msg)   X-Ref
Display a level 0 message

param: string $msg The message
return: void

info($msg)   X-Ref
Display an info message

param: string $msg The message
return: void

trace($msg)   X-Ref
Display a trace message

param: string $msg The message
return: void

debug($msg)   X-Ref
Display a debug message

param: string $msg The message
return: void

boolStr($val)   X-Ref
Convert a boolean to a displayable string

param: bool $val The boolean value to convert
return: string The string to display

vdump($var)   X-Ref
Converts a variable through var_dump()

param: any $var The value to convert
return: string The dumped value

showTrace()   X-Ref
Display current stack trace

return: void

varType($var)   X-Ref
Return displayable type of a variable

param: any $var
return: string

bool2str($var)   X-Ref
Convert a boolean to a displayable string

param: any $var
return: string

Generated: Thu Jun 4 19:17:11 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1